Three Pathways to join Realty Partners

1. Associate

The industry’s best and only true 100% plan with zero monthly, E&O or transaction fees to the agent, free MLS data entry services, Dot Loop, free training and more. One $500 annual fee collected on first closing is all you pay. Broker Fee charged to Buyer/Seller of $495/reduced to only $195 if in-house Title is used.  Optional Transaction Coordinator / free if Title is used. Opportunity to build passive income via revenue sharing.

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2. Business Builder

If you are serious about growing your business, super-charging your revenue sharing income stream, plus qualify for stock options, then this program is for you. For only $99/month you receive your very own kvCore website and smart CRM solution, including mobile apps and more. We help you with agent attraction with our free marketing programs and you now qualify for stock options.

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3. Partner Agent

Our Partner Agents are co-owners of the brokerage, title company and more. This is an elite, all inclusive brokerage solution. You receive stock grants starting with your first closing, profit sharing plus much more. There is a minimum qualifying production requirement to be considered as a Partner Agent.

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Our Business Partners


Our Agents say it best

“This business model is something like you’ve never ever seen.”

Lileen Dunn

“Do you have an exit strategy or are you planning to sell real estate for the rest of your life, like my plan was before Realty Partners? I am so excited about my business today!”

Rick Markussen

“I decided to join because of the technology. If you don’t embrace technology you might as well get out of the business.”

Jim Wilson

“I wanted to retire in 5 years and I did’t know how I was going to do it. Now I know I can.”

Sue Sebeniecher

“I have made the best decision for my future.”

Bedsy Renwanz

“I joined Realty Partners because of the retirement income.”

Michele Chow

“We want to help you brand yourself, build your business and retire in 5 years through our vesting program.”

Tanya Eldert